Collections Department:
On a lighter side we would like to show you photos of our Collections Department personnel and this is just another demonstration of us being a family business but we do mean business. They are tough hombres but they do keep things organized and running smoothly.

Senior Collections Special Agent  - Andrew Brown age 5
























Junior Collections Special Agent - Robbie Brown age 2












Team Work

























Now we know that sometimes money gets tight and even sometimes things get lost and communications get messed up. We also know we do good work and have customer satisfaction at our forefront. We also are willing to work out payment arrangements with anyone according to the circumstances. Nevertheless, we do have a business to run and it takes capital to run it (our profit). Therefore if we can't get paid one or both of us will take steps, by all legal means, to see that you do pay us.


Ya'll have a great Day!!!

Collections Special Agents
